AdNews (I get mine in the mail once a week)
"Where your ad is the news" is by far the most delicious mailer. It is full of ads, but if you read them you can find deals at some of your favorite restaurants, such as Rosati's Authentic Chicago pizza, Samurai Sam's Teriyaki Grill, and this week's Buy one - Get one free coupon at the Pineapple Whip! That coupon is located right next to a Sunshine Carwash coupon so if you drip some whip on your car you can get it cleaned for just $5. I usually cut these coupons out and carry them in my wallet, but some have said they just carry around the AdNews in their big purses. I even heard of a lady who writes the deals down in a little notebook and then just tells the business what the coupon is they are using. I've never tried this method, but might save on the excess of paper in your purse.
Greater Springfield Kids Directory (pick it up at the retailers who advertise with them)
If you have kids, you have to devour this monthly. Not so much for the coupons, which are very random if any, but for the community calender and most especially the Kids Eat Free*or almost free! You can always look these up on their website too: My favorite is the 99 cent kids meals on Monday nights at Buffalo Wild Wings. Our family of four can get in and out of there for less that $20 including tip. We love to play the trivia games and the food is always fantastic!
While I was running around this morning I found out about these discounts around the Springfield area that you are gonna love!
Saturday, June 6th is the $5 Fill a Bag at Children's Orchard on Republic Road. Get there early and bring your folding skills. Actually rolling up the clothes like a sleeping bag works best to get as many in that little bag as you can. And here's the hot tip; If you join their email club, you'll be invited to the Preview Sale the night before!
Sundays and that means every Sunday at the D.A.V. Thrift Stores you can buy specially marked items for just 25 cents! 4 for a dollar, however you look at it, you're gettin' a great deal. I love thrift stores anyway, so this will give me a reason to get out on a Sunday afternoon!
And don't forget, tonight . . .

Sonic Free Root Beer Floats Being Offered on June 3rd
From 8pm - Midnight!
See you there.
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